Last Bus Ride Home

After school, I used our last bus ride home as a final grand experiment in observation.

These are my observations.

Concrete, parking lots, uniforms, churches, day care, immigration services, signs in multiple languages (melting pot), row houses, window bars, security gates, barbed wire, stoops, potholes.

These are my interpretations.

How is it a city of former colonial glory is reduced to row upon row of slums and ghettos?  How does poverty and opulence live side by side?  Will poverty ever dissipate, or, in the words of Christ, “will the poor always be with us?”  It remains to be seen.

2 Responses to Last Bus Ride Home

  1. juleswojo says:

    I had similar thoughts the whole week. I live very close to Philadelphia and I’ve passed similar areas before but after actually living in these areas for two weeks I started to ask myself the same questions. How did this happen? How has it progressed so far? Is there anyway to fix it or will it always be this way?

  2. Ali.Duggan says:

    Your post really made me think. The whole time I was in Philadelphia I thought the same thing. I guess I was just making interpretations, instead of observations. I didn’t realize this until now. Thank you for posting this!

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